Thursday, 7 March 2019

Sleep-related Disorders Linked to Serious Health Consequences, Study

Skimping on your shut-eye linked to a number of health problems, like heart problems and obesity, a recent study reveals. More than millions of people across the globe neglect the importance of sleep, i.e. they don’t get enough sleep in the night. For a healthy lifestyle, an adult needs 6 to 7 hours of quality REM sleep to keep their body and brain in a healthy state. Due to the rising cases of sleep loss in the last few years, it is reported that the number of people who buy Zopiclone online UK via PayPal has been increased by 200 per cent.

Lack of sleep leaves a person sluggish, drowsy, unfocused and groggy in their daily routine that affects their day-to-day activities. Fatigue, tiredness, anxiety and depression caused by the increasing of sleep loss, a study says. Researchers of the University of California revealed that couples with frequent sleep loss experience a number of relationship issues, like lack of interest, poor concentration, low blood pressure, anxiety, emotional imbalance and depression.

Deal with Insomnia or Other Sleep-related Disorders

To keep your life on track, try to keep your sleep-wake cycle in a balanced form, i.e. getting enough quality sleep in the night helps you to revive your physical and psychological strength. To get quality sleep, follow a healthy lifestyle, take nutritional diet, exercise daily, go to bed at a fixed time, avoid caffeinated drinks, and blue screens before sleep. 

According to a new study published by the National Sleep Journal, people with frequent sleep loss have a higher risk of critical health diseases, including physical, psychological and neurological. Sleep-deprived adults have symptoms of heart problems, high blood pressure, obesity, type-2 diabetes, memory loss, cognitive problems, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and other anxiety-related disorders. 

That’s why; sleep experts recommend buying Zopiclone online UK via PayPal from a registered online pharmacy to get genuine medications’ delivery at your doorstep.

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